Rose Petal

Rose Petal powder for skin

Introduction to Rose Petal powder for skin

For centuries it is popular as the symbol of love and its aroma has been hypnotic. There are more than 300 species of rose that exist on earth. It is popular as the Queen of flowers which is found in many numbers of colors and has been using in various products. Rose petal powder is also beneficial for the skin.

It is added in Rooh Afza, perfumes, and many other sweets as rose petals and rose water. Its petal dried and makes fine powder and used as rose petal powder. It is also used as many beauty products due to its number of various benefits. In ancient times Queen is taking a milk bath in which rose petal is added for soft skin and pleasant body fragrance.

About the Rose Plant

rose petal powder for skin

Rose plant cultivation is started in Asia around 5000 years ago and at present, there are more than 30,000 varieties are present now. It comes from the perennial flowering plant of genus Rosa in the family Rosaceae. It comes in a variety of colors like white, pink, yellow, and red. Leaves are placed alternately on the stem and it is 5 to 15 cm long in size. Most species are cultivating in Asia but few species come from Europe, North America, and Northwestern Africa also.

Rose petal powder has some Ayurvedic properties which describe such as

It makes from the petals of rose flower and light, slimy in quality (Gun). This is bitter, astringent, sweet(rasa), and has cold (potency) in nature. It helps to maintain the balancing for Vata and Pitta dosha and acts on the cardiac and organ nervous system.

How to make natural Rose Petal Powder

rose petal powder for skin

Rose flower is collecting from the rose garden in which it is growing organically without any use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Wash them with water to remove any dirt and impurities from them. Leave it to dry in front of sunlight. After removing all the moistures from it grind them into the grinder and make them a fine micro powder. Store it in an air-tight glass container and placed them in cool and dry places use it for skin and hair.

Rose petal powder for skin

  • Rose petal powder and rose water are using for several years as a major part of skincare. It is one of those resources which added a daily skincare routine. Roses are full of Vitamins C, B, and K.
  • It works as a natural exfoliated and cleanser for skin help to remove the dead skin cells, dirt and clean your pores from the skin. Its anti-bacterial properties help to get rid of the bacteria and excess oil from the skin.
  • It also used a coolant for your skin to treating sunburn due to its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. Its water uses as a natural toner and applies to treat pigmentation and even skin tone.
  • Due to its anti-aging property, it helps to prevent the skin from getting wrinkles and reduces dark circles and gives you younger-looking skin. It also gets relieves from sunburn.
  • It manages the excess oil which is present on the skin and prevents swollen and itchy acne. Vitamin C present in it helps to lightening blemishes and making skin cells stronger.
  • Regular use of rose petal powder mask help to get a complete skincare solution

Rose petal powder for hair

  • It works against the dandruff present on the hair due to the anti-oxidant property it helps to remove the irritating dead scalp which is the main cause of dandruff. It also helps to improve moisture retention and give healthy and shiny hair.
  • Its nutrients help to maintain the normal ph level of hair prevent any infections and hair damage. It also helps to hydrate the hair and make your hair rich in volumes and shiny by removing any unnecessary salts from the hair.
  • This helps to re-growth of hair due to nourishing the hair scalp and helps to increase the blood circulation which helps to regenerate the hair. It also helps to clean the hair scalp and prevent any fungal infection and also gives pleasant fragrances.

To buy Rose Petal Powder Click Here


So regular use of rose petal powder help to solve your skin and hair problems and give you soft, clean, young skin, and makes your hair denser, thick, and rich in volumes.

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